Looking after yourself when you are with someone who has narcissistic traits

It is almost impossible to avoid people with narcissistic traits. For some of you they will be family members you want to stay in contact with but that contact is really painful. For others they may be a friend, colleague, boss or perhaps just someone you encounter through your every day business.

If you have empath tendencies it will be particularly important to take good care of yourself emotionally when around someone with narcissistic tendencies. You are like a sponge absorbing the emotions of those around you and some emotions are damaging for you.

“With their self-absorption, entitlement, trigger-quick defenses, it is clear that narcissists have not developed adult coping mechanisms. The height of futility comes when you respond just as poorly in reverse.

Psychotherapist Dr. Les Carter

Psychotherapist Dr. Les Carter explains how you can maintain maturity even in the midst of the narcissist’s childlike immaturity. It requires you to think independently, not letting the narcissist set your agenda. Dr. Les Carter is a best selling author and therapist who lives in Dallas, Tx. In the past 39 years he has conducted over 60,000 counseling sessions and many seminars and workshops.”

Click here to watch a video on maintaining your mature responses to a narcissist on Dr Les Carter’s Youtube Blog “Surviving Narcissism”