Hi everyone,
In these challenging times we are all doing our bit and some are in the frontline … out there keeping the rest of us going.
Here is something for all you frontline workers, for everyone in the NHS particularly but also anyone facing unprecedented circumstances, challenges and stress.
Click here for a video put together by Dr Jarero a frontline Mental Health worker helping people deal with trauma, natural and man made disasters.
Dr Janero talks you through how to process the stress of a difficult day. It is short, only 8 minutes long and I hop that it will help ease you burden of stress and trauma in these troubled times.
Dr Janero talks you through his process using some techniques from EMDR. I use something similar myself regularly so I thought I would share it with you all. It is not meant to replace therapy for PTSD but it does help to prevent a build up of trauma and will give you some relief from replaying stressful events over and over when you want to rest.
With warm thanks to all you front line workers helping us all ….. I hope it helps you in return.